The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   01/16/2023

How to Transform the Public-Sector Workforce

by Neena Kovuru

Enact a strategy that embraces people, purpose, growth and learning in your organization.

The public sector is facing recruiting challenges due to accelerating retirement rates and a shortage of qualified candidates. But they are also facing stiff competition from the private sector. It’s difficult to attract today’s candidates when you are seen as highly bureaucratic and old-fashioned. And it’s hard to win over those candidates when you are also hampered by lower wages, slow advancement, unclear career paths and limited staff development.

To attract talent, the public sector needs to think differently. It needs to start developing a people-focused culture that invests in employees’ purpose, growth and learning.

Many governments have already successfully embraced performance metrics in an effort to make themselves more efficient and effective. But these efforts have often come at the expense of instilling in employees the organization’s larger mission.

 Read full story at Route-Fifty

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